It seems as though much of our modern world has the money for lavish cars, homes, bvacations/b, plastic surgery, restaurants you name it. Don't people get sick and tired of listening to the pastor beg for money every week? The man is running his parish on b....../b I got to this site by googling Fr. John bKlobuka/b, 30 years a Marianist, a wonderful priest. I was horrified when I saw this link was about scandals. (My reaction was ?Not Father bKlobuka/b!?) No not Father bKlobuka/b. ...
It seems as though much of our modern world has the money for lavish cars, homes, bvacations/b, plastic surgery, restaurants you name it. Don't people get sick and tired of listening to the pastor beg for money every week? The man is running his parish on b....../b I got to this site by googling Fr. John bKlobuka/b, 30 years a Marianist, a wonderful priest. I was horrified when I saw this link was about scandals. (My reaction was ?Not Father bKlobuka/b!?) No not Father bKlobuka/b. ...